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Load SVG file in Xamarin with SkiaSharp

From release 1.55.0 SkiaSharp has the support for reading SVG files. The package has been release few days ago (10 Nov. 2016) and I couldn't find enough documentation on how to use it.

The following packages are required: SkiaSharp 1.55.0 SkiaSharp Views & Layers 1.55.0 SkiaSharp.Svg 1.55.0-beta1

The first question is what's the best way to load an SKSvg in Xamarin.Android?


  • Here two possible solutions to start working with SkiaSharp that are working for me:

    Loading SVG from Asset folder (or subfolder):

    public SKSvg LoadAnSvgFromAssets(Context ctx, string assetSvgFileLoc)
            var assets = ctx.Assets;
            var svg = new SKSvg();
            using (var stream = new StreamReader(assets.Open(assetSvgFileLoc)))
                  return svg;

    where "assetSvgFileLoc" is the svgFilename.svg to load, including (if it's the case) the path inside Asset folder (e.g. "subf1/subf2/mysvg.svg").

    Loading SVG as RAW Resource

    public SKSvg LoadAnSvgFromResources(Context ctx, string svgName))
        var resId = ctx.Resources.GetIdentifier(svgName, "raw", ctx.PackageName);           
        var svg = new SKSvg();
        using (var stream = ctx.Resources.OpenRawResource(resId))
            return svg;

    In this case the file is inside the Resources subfolder "raw" and the "svgName" is the filename of our svg without extension.