I have GPS coordinates in the form
Lat = 3648.5518 Lon = 17443.258
I want to convert then to the more traditional format
Lat = -36.8091667 Lon = 174.7209667
I can do this through string manipulation as shown below. However this approach seems very "wordy".Is there a better way (any inbuilt functionality) to achieve this conversion in Python 3.4? my searches have come up blank. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Steve (New to python/programming)
Lat = 3648.5518
Lat = str(Lat)
Latdd = float(Lat[:2])
Latmmmmm = float(Lat[2:])
Latddmmmm = Latdd+(Latmmmmm/60.0)
Lon = 17443.258
Lon = str(Lon)
Londd = float(Lon[:3])
Lonmmmmm = float(Lon[3:])
Londdmmmm = Londd+(Lonmmmmm/60.0)
It looks like the input is an abuse of decimal notation to place write deg min as 100*deg + min.
You can extract the degree, minute and second parts with modulo division. Split into two functions for clarity.
def dm(x):
degrees = int(x) // 100
minutes = x - 100*degrees
return degrees, minutes
def decimal_degrees(degrees, minutes):
return degrees + minutes/60
print (decimal_degrees(*dm(3648.5518)))