Subj I show my data on QML' Listview with delegated text, labels, and spinboxvalue elements of item. When user change the value of spinbox I need to know it and make some deals. But MouseArea works beyond of Spinbox, not on spinned buttons, onClicked event doesn't exists.
SpinBox {
id: goodsCountSpinBox
leftPadding: 1
rightPadding: 1
value: model.goodsCount
implicitWidth: 100
anchors.right: dataRow.right
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.currentIndex = index; //Change the current selected item to the clicked item
By the way, and how to out current datetime in console log?
I found onValueChanged in examples but I don't find it in QML manuals.
SpinBox {
id: fontSizeSpinBox
activeFocusOnPress: false
implicitWidth: 50
value: 0
property bool valueGuard: true
onValueChanged: if (valueGuard) document.fontSize = value
I found to print current timestamp
Qt.formatTime(new Date()
If you want to just use the current value of the spinbox, just use its value
property in a binding.
If you want to react to the value change, use the handler for the property's change signal, i.e. onValueChanged