Using below code, how can I set the code in SQLiteConnetion object ?
public SQLiteConnection dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection();
string fileName = "test.s3db";
string sourcePath = @"E:\File\DMS\DAL\Model";
string targetPath = @"C:\ProgramData\CompanyName\appName";
string sourceFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName);
string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetPath, fileName);
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetPath))
System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true);
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath);
I want to automatically create a DB path if the path does not exist.
dbConnection = ??
I have this method to copy database:
public static void BackupDatabase(string sourceFile, string destFile)
using (SQLiteConnection source = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source = {0}", sourceFile)))
using (SQLiteConnection destination = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source = {0}", destFile)))
source.BackupDatabase(destination, "main", "main", -1, null, -1);