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PHP: Count amount of times specific value shows in RSS feed

I am working with the Met Office RSS feed:

$metourl = "";
$metoxml = simplexml_load_file($metourl);
$count = $metoxml->channel->item;

I can easily establish if there are any "weather warnings" (in this case):

if($count && $count->count() >= 1){

What I want to do, if possible, is to count how many times 'YELLOW', or 'RED' warnings occur under


so I can then echo that?

E.g. "There are x yellow and x red warnings.".

Thank you!


  • You can use the xpath method:

    $metourl = "";
    $metoxml = simplexml_load_file($metourl);
    $wl = $metoxml->xpath('//channel/item/metadata:warningLevel');
    $counters = [ 'YELLOW' => 0, 'RED' => 0 ];
    foreach ($wl as $e) {
      $str = trim((string)$e);
      if ($str === 'YELLOW')
      elseif ($str === 'RED')
    printf('There are %d yellow and %d red warnings.',
      $counters['YELLOW'], $counters['RED']);

    Sample Output

    There are 14 yellow and 0 red warnings.