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Previous route name in Laravel 5.1-5.8

I try to find name of previous route in Laravel 5.1. With:

{!! URL::previous() !!}

I get the route url, but I try to get route name like I get for current page:

{!! Route::current()->getName() !!}

My client wont a different text for Thank you page, depends on from page (Register page or Contact page) user go to Thank you page. I try with:

{!! Route::previous()->getName() !!}

But that didn't work. I try to get something like:

@if(previous-route == 'contact')
  some text
  other text


  • Here what work for me. I find this answer and this question and modify it to work in my case:

    @if(app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create(URL::previous()))->getName() == '')
        Some text

    Update for 5.8 version by Robert
