I have a system that consists of one central server, many mobile clients and many worker server. Each worker server has its own database and may be on the customer infrastructure (when he purchases the on premise installation).
In my current design, mobile clients send updates to the central server, which updates its database. The worker servers periodically pull the central to get updated information. This "pull model" creates a lot of requests and is still not suficient, because workers often use outdated information.
I want a "push model", where the central server can "post" updates to "somewhere", which persist the last version of the data. Then workers can "subscribe" to this "somewhere" and be always up-to-date.
The main problems are:
A bonus point:
The problems with a push model are:
A pull model is much more efficient:
There are several options for serving traffic to pull requests:
Using an S3 bucket has many advantages: Highly scalable, a good range of security options (public; via credentials; via pre-signed URLs), no servers required.
Simply put the data in an S3 bucket and have the clients "pull" the data. You could have one set of files for "every" client, and a specific file for each individual client, thereby enabling individual configuration. Just think of S3 as a very large key-value datastore.