As stated on the docs of ArcGIS API for JavaScript : Class OverviewMap
Property Details overviewMap. The Map instance displayed in the OverviewMap widget's container. This is a separate Map from the Map referenced by the overview map. (Added at v3.14).
I've updated the api version to 3.14, but the instance of the oMap does not have this overviewMap property. I just want to render some graphics inside the overview map apart of the main map. I want to add graphic layers to it and render graphics. I know it is possible in the flex version but I i've tried everything to make it work on the js api without sucess.
It is possible. After adding the OverviewMap to your map you can access it like this:
var overviewMapDijit = new OverviewMap({
map: map,
visible: true
map.on("load", function(){
// overviewMapDijit.overviewMap is your desired map
console.log( overviewMapDijit.overviewMap );
You can create and add graphics like you do with the normal map, just use overviewMapDijit.overviewMap
instead of map
See demo: