The graphviz code below generates a ladder diagram, but flow3 is curved. This only happens when the edge crosses a vertical line. How can I make flow3 straight and horizontal? I tried experimenting with the splines attribute with no success. How can the code be changed to force a straight line through other objects?
digraph ladder { ranksep=".1"; nodesep=".1";
# Define the defaults
node [shape=point fontsize=10]
edge [dir=none fontsize=10]
# Column labels
a [shape=none]
b [shape=none]
c [shape=none]
d [shape=none]
# Draw the 4 column headings, no line
{ rank=same; edge[style=invis] a -> b -> c -> d }
# Draw the columns
a -> a1 [style=invis]
b -> b1 [style=invis]
c -> c1 [style=invis]
d -> d1 [style=invis]
a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 [weight=1000 label=" "]
b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> b4 [weight=1000 label=" "]
c1 -> c2 -> c3 -> c4 [weight=1000 label=" "]
d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> d4 [weight=1000 label=" "]
# Now each step in the ladder
{ rank=same; a1 -> b1 [dir=forward label="Flow1"] }
{ rank=same; b2 -> c2 [dir=forward label="Flow2"] }
{ rank=same; b3 -> d3 [dir=forward label="Flow3"] }
{ rank=same; c4 -> d4 [dir=back label="Flow4"] }
Running GraphViz version 2.38.0.
The splines attribute changes the results slightly. Only the first line of code is changed, like this:
digraph ladder { ranksep=".1"; nodesep=".1"; splines=false;
With this result when splines are disabled:
Here is another possible solution. Also a hack. It involves splitting the curved flow into multiple smaller straight flows.
Change this:
{ rank=same; b3 -> d3 [dir=forward label="Flow3"] }
To This:
b3 -> c3 [dir=none]
c3 -> d3 [dir=forward label="Flow3"]
Also made some other unrelated improvements to make the nodes invisible and the vertical edges dotted. So the complete code is this:
digraph ladder { ranksep=".1"; nodesep=".1";
# Define the defaults
node [shape=point fontsize=10]
edge [dir=none fontsize=10]
# Column labels
a [shape=none]
b [shape=none]
c [shape=none]
d [shape=none]
# Draw the 4 column headings, no line
{ rank=same; edge[style=invis] a -> b -> c -> d }
# Draw the columns
node [style=invis]
a -> a1 [style=invis]
b -> b1 [style=invis]
c -> c1 [style=invis]
d -> d1 [style=invis]
a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 [style=dotted weight=1000 label=" "]
b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> b4 [style=dotted weight=1000 label=" "]
c1 -> c2 -> c3 -> c4 [style=dotted weight=1000 label=" "]
d1 -> d2 -> d3 -> d4 [style=dotted weight=1000 label=" "]
# Now each step in the ladder
{ rank=same; a1 -> b1 [dir=forward label="Flow1"] }
{ rank=same; b2 -> c2 [dir=forward label="Flow2"] }
b3 -> c3 [dir=none]
c3 -> d3 [dir=forward label="Flow3"]
{ rank=same; c4 -> d4 [dir=back label="Flow4"] }
And the resulting ladder diagram is this: