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java - after GC application runs slow

I have an application (game) that runs on JVM.

The game's update logic (which runs 60 times/s) finishes with about 25% used of it's "time-slice" (1/60s), then sleeps off the remaining 75%. But when the GC collector gets to run, it goes up to 75-200% and stays there for the rest of the execution.

the game uses about 70Mb of heap and grows about 1-2mb/s. When GC is run it goes back to 70Mb, so there are no true memory leaks. I will try to lower this number in the future, but it shouldn't be a problem in this scope.

I'm using JVM 8 with no runtime arguments or flags, not sure which GC that will give me.

I've tried setting the heap to different sizes, but it does not affect this phenomena.

I have two theories as to why this may be:

  1. the GC unintentionally fragments my heap in a way that causes cache trashing in the update loop. I've got logic that benefits greatly from data proximity as it loops through it and updates it. Could it be that it shuffles some data to the old area while keeping some in the young (the nursery)?

  2. the sudden GC processing triggers my OS, making it realize that my main update tread doesn't need as much CPU resources as it currently has, lowering its priority. (However, the phenomenon persists even if I skip the thread.sleep() to sleep off unused CPU usage.

What do you think. Are my theories plausible, can anything be done about them, or do I need to switch to a C-language? My knowledge of GC's is limited.

P.S. As a side note, generally the update() finishes at 75% post GC. It's when using VSync when I get numbers like 200%.



    I did a test and completely ruined my architecture. I had this, which was the bottleneck of the application:

    class Physics{
       Vec2 centre;
       Rec hitbox;
       Vec2 speed;
       Vec2 acc;
       public void update(){ //critical method

    And changed it to only use primitives:

    class Physics{
       double centreX,centreY;
       double x1,x2,y1,y2;
       double speedX,speedY;
       double accX,accY;
       public void update(){ //critical method
           implementation of methods above...

    This since, at least, java guarantees that a class primitive members gets stored in the order they are declared, underneath the class header on the heap. While references to objects could be addresses to the other side of the heap.

    This, along with a compacting GC, gave me a lovely boost, which I credit to an increase in cache hits. It destroyed my architecture, but it's a price I'm willing to pay.

    The game now runs at a stable 15%, and now I'm going to mark my own post as the answer.

    EDIT: That was just a confused man's ramblings. The above only gave me a minor performance boost - the rest was due to a bug in the application and thus not justifying the architectural change. The compacting GC helped a bit though.