I am trying to test a angularjs service with jasmine that calls a resource service and in the then function calls another nested resource function. I am using httpbackend to flush mock responses. The issue is that, while testing, it is not flushing the second response to the second nested resource service request and I am erred out with the error Error: Unflushed requests: 1
var deferred;
var restaurantinfo = {};
var loadMenu = function(){
return Menu.query({}).$promise.then(function(response){
restaurantinfo.menu = response
var loadLocation = function(){
return Location.query({}).$promise.then(function(response){
restaurantinfo.location = response;
var getRestaurantInfo = function(){
if(!deferred && (!restaurantinfo.menu.length == 0 || restaurantinfo.location.length === 0)){
deferred = $q.defer();
return loadMenu()
return deferred.promise;
} else {
if(!deferred.promise.$$state.status){ return deferred.promise; }
return deferred.promise;
Test Spec
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, RestaurantService, _Menu_, _Locations_){
httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
mockRestaurantService = _RestaurantService_;
httpBackend.expect('GET', '/api/menu').respond(mockMenu);
httpBackend.expect('GET', '/api/locations').respond(mockLocations);
the loadMenu and loadLocation functions just call angular Resource services
httpbackend is flushing the first call to api/menu but is not making the second call to api/location
Ok turns out I was only flushing one of the backend calls. I added another httpBackend.flush() and both backend calls were flushed.