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Code start and end in specific time

Hi guys i have a code that start and end in specific time, my code is work fine but i want to use this code in data that loop for example i'll pot names in loop and i want for each one to start and end in specific time:

this is my code:

$time = date('Y:m:d H:i:s');
$timestart = date('Y:m:d H:i:s'); //time start
$timeend = '2016:11:17 10:56:00'; //time end

if($time >= $timeend){
echo "time end";
    echo 'untel end time';

$now = new DateTime();
$future_date = new DateTime($timeend);
$interval = $future_date->diff($now);

and i want to know how to use it with loop data?



  • You can use EV or Event extension or implement by loop. I prefer EV extension to this task

    And create timer for example:

    // Required create variable!
    $w = new EvTimer($needWorkedSeconds, $repeatAfterSecond, function ($w) {
        echo "iteration = ", Ev::iteration(), PHP_EOL;
    // Loop until Ev::stop() is called or all of watchers stop

    More read here!

    OR use event (but i prefer event to work with socket):

    $base = new \EventBase();
    $e = \Event::timer($base, function($n) use (&$e) {
        echo "$n seconds elapsed\n";
    }, $repeatAfterSecond);

    More read here!

    Or you can try while, for example:


    In example i use undeclareted variable:

    $repeatAfterSecond - seconds to next iteration or next call
    $isTimeEndNow - this is: time() > $endTimestamp
    $needWorkedSeconds - this is seconds: time_start - time_end

    ATTENTIONAL!!! Be Careful! I think you make mistake, if you want use MySQL and if you need die script in concrete time. Review your algorithm!!!