I have to Change the Name of some pdfs(1,2 TB). The Name of the files is for example 20160112_0(year/month/day/_0). I have to Change the file Name to tu, 12.January 2016(weekday/day/month/year).
I allready got the filename but i dont know how to Change it right.
string dir = @"path";
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir);
foreach (string file in files)
Try this
string dir = @"YourPath";
string fileDate, new_fileDate;
DateTime dt;
foreach (string original_filename in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
fileDate = Path.GetFileName(original_filename).Substring(0, 8);
dt = DateTime.ParseExact(fileDate, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
new_fileDate = dt.ToString("ddd_dd_MMMM_yyyy");
File.Move(original_filename, original_filename.Replace(fileDate, new_fileDate));