Is it possible to dynamically spawn functions?
I have written a function that parses this example.xml file and returns the attributes for the segment_1 element as a list. Now this example contains four segments however this will change for different assets, one could only have 1 segment and another could have 10+.
Here is the example XML it has four segments:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest task_id="00000000112">
<series_title>test asset 1</series_title>
<season_title>Number 1</season_title>
<episode_title>ET 1</episode_title>
<synopsis>This is a test asset</synopsis>
<segment_1 seg_1_in="00:00:00.000" seg_1_out="00:01:00.000" seg_1_dur="00:01:00.000"/>
<segment_2 seg_2_in="00:02:00.000" seg_2_out="00:03:00.000" seg_2_dur="00:01:00.000"/>
<segment_3 seg_3_in="00:04:00.000" seg_3_out="00:05:00.000" seg_3_dur="00:01:00.000"/>
<segment_4 seg_4_in="00:06:00.000" seg_4_out="00:07:00.000" seg_4_dur="00:01:00.000"/>
<conform_profile definition="hd" aspect_ratio="16f16">ffmpeg -progress LOG_FILE.txt -i S_PATH/F_NAME.mp4 SEG_CONFORM</conform_profile>
<transcode_profile profile_name="amazon" package_type="tar">ffmpeg -safe 0 -progress LOG_FILE.txt -f concat -i T_PATH/CONFORM_LIST TRC_PATH/F_NAME.mp4</transcode_profile>
I have written a 70 line if statement that will process assets with up to 4 segment's and I can always add to that code for assets that have more segments, however that is not very elegant so I am working on a function to dynamically create the segment lists based on this element in the XML:
Ideally it would generate x amount of:
return seg_element(root, path)
in the parse_xml() function based on how many segments the asset has.
Here are the functions:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
file = 'example.xml'
# Seg_element
def seg_element(xml_root, element_path):
list_a = []
for elem in xml_root.iterfind(element_path):
a = elem.attrib
for i in a:
list_a.append([i + ' = ' + a[i]])
return list_a
# Parse_xml
def parse_xml(file_input, number_of_segments):
tree = et.parse(file_input)
root = tree.getroot()
path = 'file_info/segment_1'
return seg_element(root, path)
for i in parse_xml(file, 1):
Here is the output:
['seg_1_dur = 00:01:00.000']
['seg_1_in = 00:00:00.000']
['seg_1_out = 00:01:00.000']
Of the name of the list created by each iteration of seg_element() would be different.
The reason for doing this to create an command to submit to FFMPEG, here is the 70 line if statement that creates the command
There is no need to generate functions, you just want to do a loop over the number of segments, and call the seg_element
function accordingly:
def parse_xml(file_input, number_of_segments):
tree = et.parse(file_input)
root = tree.getroot()
segments_no = int(root.find('file_info/number_of_segments').text)
segments = []
for i in range(segments_no):
path = 'file_info/segment_%d' % (i+1)
segments.append(seg_element(root, path))
return segments
(code above is not tested, but I think you'll get it)