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XOR cipher in python - odd length string

I'm trying to make a cipher using the xor operator. Right now this is what I have:

from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from itertools import cycle

s = '636174'
key = '13'
def cipherkey(s, key):
    bin_key = bin(int(key))[2:]
    bin_s = bin(int(s, 16))[2:]
    k = []
    if len(bin_key) < len(bin_s):
        for i, j in zip(cycle(bin_key), bin_s):
        for i, j in zip(bin_key, cycle(bin_s)):
    return int("".join(k),2)

def xor_cipher(s,key):
    n = cipherkey(s, key)
    out = n ^ int(s,16)
    return hex(out)
print(unhexlify(xor_cipher(s, key)))

I'm sure this is super inefficient code, but I'd like to keep as much of it as possible. I've startched my head over this for a while now and haven't found the mistake.There must be a mistake in how I'm iterating over zip(cycle(bin_key), bin_s).


  • Try to replace the last line:

    print(unhexlify(xor_cipher(s, key)))

    with this code:

    res=xor_cipher(s, key)[2:] # remove '0x' from the begining of the hex code
    if res.__len__()%2 ==1:    # if res length is odd,
       res="0{}".format(res)   #     append '0' at the begining to make it even
    print unhexlify(res)