Say I have a class defined as the following:
setClass("myclass", slots = list(id="character"))
I want things to be such that the id is mandatory and myclass
without an id is an invalid object. At current, I get the following:
> new("myclass")
An object of class "myclass"
Slot "id":
I hoped that setting a validation function would help:
setValidity("myclass", function(object){
if(length(slot(object, "id")) == 0L){
return("You cannot do that")
> new("myclass")
An object of class "myclass"
Slot "id":
But unfortunately, it seems like having empty arguments causes the validation function to be bypassed. Is there a way to invalidate this type of input?
The best solution I could find was to put the validation step in the constructor function (which seems a bit perverse to me):
setMethod("initialize", "myclass", function(.Object, id){
if(missing(id)) stop("The id is not allowed to be empty")
.Object@id <- id
This now gives the expected results:
> new("myclass")
Error in .local(.Object, ...) : The id is not allowed to be empty
> new("myclass", id = character())
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class “myclass” object: You cannot do that
> new("myclass", id = "a")
An object of class "myclass"
Slot "id":
[1] "a"