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Can an enum contain another enum values in Swift?

I'd like to share some enum properties. Something like:

enum State {
  case started
  case succeeded
  case failed

enum ActionState {
  include State // what could that be?
  case cancelled

class Action {
  var state: ActionState = .started

  func set(state: State) {
    self.state = state

  func cancel() {
    self.state = .cancelled

I see why ActionState can not inherit from State (because the state cancelled has no representation in State) but I want to still be able to say "ActionState is like State with more options, and ActionState can get inputs that are of type State, because they are also of type ActionState"

I see how I could get the above logic to work with copying the cases in ActionState and having a switch in the set function. But I'm looking for a better way.

I know enum can't inherit in Swift, and I've read the protocol answer of swift-enum-inheritance. It doesn't address the need for "inheriting" or including cases from another enum, but only properties and variables.


  • Details

    • Swift 4, 3
    • Xcode 10.2.1 (10E1001), Swift 5 (Last revision of this post)


    enum State {
        case started, succeeded, failed
    enum ActionState {
        case state(value: State), cancelled
    class Action {
        var state: ActionState = .state(value: .started)
        func set(state: State) { self.state = .state(value: state) }
        func cancel() { state = .cancelled }

    Full Sample

    Do not to forget to paste the solution code

    import Foundation
    extension Action: CustomStringConvertible {
        var description: String {
            var result = "Action - "
            switch state {
                case .state(let value): result += "State.\(value)"
                case .cancelled: result += "cancelled"
            return result
    let obj = Action()
    obj.set(state: .failed)
    obj.set(state: .succeeded)


    //Action - State.started
    //Action - State.failed
    //Action - State.succeeded
    //Action - cancelled