When my iOS app is started for the first time, it initializes a few entities with default data. The same process is completed for every device of the same user when the app is first installed on the device. This leads to a problem with Simperium, because, even if I have a constraint on one of the entity's attributes, it create duplicates. How can avoid that from happening? Is there a way to make Simperium skip objects locally initialized ? Or to prevent it from inserting duplicates?
Would setting the simperiumKey of the entity to a custom constant value which is the same for all the devices of the user fix the issue? I mean, would that prevent Simperium from importing the very same entity from different devices that would produce duplicates and sync conflicts ?
Because I tried that option and it looks like the buckets on Simperium Server are ok, but when I dispose the view and I open it again the entities are not there anymore. When I restart the app they are back again... it looks like they desappear to reappear after resetting the app.. very strange.
UPDATE The problem is that I get duplicated entities if I try to insert the same entity from different device. For example. When I setup my app for the first time, I have a function that initializes CURRENCY entities with codes and other things. The same operation would be done from a different device if the user decides to install the app on a new one. In this case, because the new device will initialize again the CURRENCY entities, those info will generate duplicates and conflict errors. I need a way to make Simperium understand that the entities locally inizialized in the devices must not be duplicated. I would remove the inheritance from SPManagedObject in order to stop Simperium from syncing the entities, but in their turn they have relations with other entities and that would definitively create problems with Simperium, because it will try to sync entities which have relations with objects not inheriting from SPManagedObject. Hope you now have a more clear idea.
After reading various posts on this subject I've understood that not signing out (that means: not calling signOutAndRemoveLocalData) and setting custom simperiumKey-s would prevent data duplication. I tested this solution and it apparently looks good. My app needs Simperium to sync data with other devices of the same user, but it mainly works with the local CoreData database. I hope this solution is good for this scenario.