Is there any way I can only replace only the first argument only in string formatting? Like in this:
"My quest is {test}{}".format(test="test")
I want the output to be:
"My quest is test {}
The second {}
arg I will replace later.
I know I can create a string like:
"My quest is {test}".format(test="test")
and later combine it with remaining string and create new string, but can I do it in one go?
If you know when you set up the format string that you'll only be replacing a subset of the values, and you want some other set to remain, you can escape the ones you're not going to fill right away by doubling the brackets:
x = "foo {test} bar {{other}}".format(test="test") # other won't be filled in here
print(x) # prints "foo test bar {other}"
print(x.format(other="whatever")) # prints "foo test bar whatever"