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How to write the manual AutoLayout constraint?

I'm a novice iOS developer and I want to learn how to write the manual AutoLayout constraint. As I had found the link which visually allow how AutoLayout works. Please refer the below link for more information.


But it does not allow how it works when other component over there and their relation accordingly.

Thank you for such a prompt response, I wish I could be clearer on my issue.


  • I suppose by manual you mean apply constraints via Code.

    Autolayout has been constantly evolving ever since it come to existence. To apply constrains via code, you can use any of these three techniques. (Easiest and the newest technique at bottom)

    Old verbose constraining using method, (constraintWithItem)

    +(instancetype)constraintWithItem:(id)view1 attribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attr1 relatedBy:(NSLayoutRelation)relation toItem:(nullable id)view2 attribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attr2 multiplier:(CGFloat)multiplier constant:(CGFloat)c

    Visual Format Language (

    Layout Anchors (

    You can google the bold's to know more. But these is nothing better than This document has examples that apply constraint, with other component (view) and their relations.