Hey guys I'm implementing two cards in an recyclerview and also created two view holder but didn't get the code for adapter help me guys.
public class ViewHolder1 extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
private TextView Chatin;
public ViewHolder1(View v) {
Chatin = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.Chatin);
public TextView getChatin() {
return Chatin;
public void setChatin(TextView chatin) {
this.Chatin = chatin;
Other view holder is same as it is.
Yes we can use multiple cardView. For reference see below link for Sample Adapter :-https://github.com/subbuboyapati/MovieMasti/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/subbu/moviemasti/adapter/ReviewAdapter.java
This answer also help you. Can I Use Only One RecyclerView For The Three Different CardView With Different Design?
Have a look at this tutorial also, http://arjunu.com/2015/10/android-recyclerview-with-different-cardviews/ .