I have written my local data model using Core Data. It is object oriented, so I have something like this in my Core Data model:
class Pair {
var uuid: NSUUID
var me: Person
var friend: Person
class Person {
var name: String
var birthday: NSDate
var address: Address
class Address {
var streetNumber: Int16
var streetName: String
var zip: Int16
Now in CloudKit, I am realizing if I want to get a "Pair" and all of its data, and I make "Person" and "Address" CKReference
then I will have to fetch "Person" and "Address" which is two extra network calls and lots of logic to handle their results asynchronously. So I was thinking of "denormalizing" this data and putting it all into a "Pair" CKRecord
in the CloudKit schema, without any CKReference
s. So more along the lines of this:
class CloudKitPair {
var uuid: NSUUID
var myName: String
var myBirthday: NSDate
var myStreetNumber: Int16
var myStreetName: String
var myZip: Int16
var friendName: String
var friendBirthday: NSDate
var friendStreetNumber: Int16
var friendStreetName: String
var friendZip: Int16
Is it legitimate to design my CloudKit schema this way to avoid extra network fetch calls for CKReferences?
Is it legitimate to design my CloudKit schema this way to avoid extra network fetch calls for CKReferences?
I would say the answer is yes, it is a legitimate design.
Note that the tradeoff you are making is prioritizing efficient network calls over efficient use of iCloud database space.
Your proposed design will cause you to store the same information more than once. Depending on your use cases, this could be many more times than would be ideal:
Person A
<-pairs with-> Person B
Person A
<-pairs with-> Person C
Person A
<-pairs with-> Person D
If this series goes on much further, then you are storing Person A
many times over in the database and it could be considered a great waste of space. On the other hand, it might be completely reasonable for how you intend to use the data.
I'd suggest modeling your use cases out and measuring them against the usage limits that Apple provides for iCloud.