I'm working on an API integration that ignores the existence of XML or JSON in favor of just appending character data. (The Metro2 format, if interested)
I'm simplifying, but imagine that a person needs to be serialized like this:
hard codedYYYYMMDD
Numeric fields are always right-aligned and zero-padded. Text fields are always left-aligned and space padded.
For example:
"0032PERSONDAVID WILCOX 19820711035"
Can I express this in the type system? Like what servant does? Something like this?
newtype ByteLength = ByteLength Int
newtype Age = Age Int
-- etc
type PersonMessage
= Field ByteLength '0
:| Field "PERSON" '5
:| Field Name '11
:| Field Date '21
:| Field Age '29
-- :| is a theoretical type operator, like :> in servant
-- the number is the expected offset
-- the length of the field is implicit in the type
Can I statically check that my implementation of the serialization matches the type?
Can I statically check that the offset of the 3rd field (Name
) is 11
? That the lengths of the preceding fields add up to 11? I'm assuming no, since that seems like it would require full dependent type support.
Is this on the right track?
instance ToMetro Age where
-- get the length into the type system using a type family?
field = Numeric '3
-- express how this is encoded. Would need to use the length from the type family. Or if that doesn't work, put it in the constructor.
toMetro age = Numeric age
Update: Example of a function I would like to statically validate:
personToMetro :: Person -> PersonMessage
personToMetro p = error "Make sure that what I return is a PersonMessage"
Just to give you some inspiration, just do what Servant does and have different types for the different combinators you support:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Seriavant where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
data Skip (n :: Nat) = Skip deriving Show
data Token (n :: Nat) = Token String deriving Show
data Lit (s :: Symbol) = Lit deriving Show
data (:>>) a b = a :>> b deriving Show
infixr :>>
class Deserialize a where
deserialize :: String -> Maybe (a, String)
instance (KnownNat n) => Deserialize (Skip n) where
deserialize s = do
(_, s') <- trySplit (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) s
return (Skip, s')
instance (KnownNat n) => Deserialize (Token n) where
deserialize s = do
(t, s') <- trySplit (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) s
return (Token t, s')
instance (KnownSymbol lit) => Deserialize (Lit lit) where
deserialize s = do
s' <- stripPrefix (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy lit)) s
return (Lit, s')
instance (Deserialize a, Deserialize b) => Deserialize (a :>> b) where
deserialize s = do
(x, s') <- deserialize s
(y, s'') <- deserialize s'
return (x :>> y, s'')
trySplit :: Integer -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], [a])
trySplit 0 xs = return ([], xs)
trySplit n (x:xs) = do
(xs', ys) <- trySplit (n-1) xs
return (x:xs', ys)
trySplit _ _ = Nothing
Yeah so this is quite spartan, but it already allows you to do
type MyFormat = Token 4 :>> Lit "PERSON" :>> Skip 1 :>> Token 4
testDeserialize :: String -> Maybe MyFormat
testDeserialize = fmap fst . deserialize
which works like this:
*Seriavant> testDeserialize "1" Nothing *Seriavant> testDeserialize "1234PERSON Foo " Just (Token "1234" :>> (Lit :>> (Skip :>> Token "Foo ")))
EDIT: Turns out I completely misread the question, and Sean is asking for serialization, not deserialization... But of course we can do that as well:
class Serialize a where
serialize :: a -> String
instance (KnownNat n) => Serialize (Skip n) where
serialize Skip = replicate (fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) ' '
instance (KnownNat n) => Serialize (Token n) where
serialize (Token t) = pad (fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) ' ' t
instance (KnownSymbol lit) => Serialize (Lit lit) where
serialize Lit = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy lit)
instance (Serialize a, Serialize b) => Serialize (a :>> b) where
serialize (x :>> y) = serialize x ++ serialize y
pad :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
pad 0 _x0 xs = xs
pad n x0 (x:xs) = x : pad (n-1) x0 xs
pad n x0 [] = replicate n x0
(of course this has horrible performance with all this String
concatenation etc. but that's not the point here)
*Seriavant> serialize ((Token "1234" :: Token 4) :>> (Lit :: Lit "FOO") :>> (Skip :: Skip 2) :>> (Token "Bar" :: Token 10)) "1234FOO Bar "
Of course, if we know the format, we can avoid those pesky type annotations:
type MyFormat = Token 4 :>> Lit "PERSON" :>> Skip 1 :>> Token 4
testSerialize :: MyFormat -> String
testSerialize = serialize
*Seriavant> testSerialize (Token "1234" :>> Lit :>> Skip :>> Token "Bar") "1234PERSON Bar "