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How do I pass dynamic parameters from amp-ad to amp-analytics?

I am trying to make our ad-network integration to amp now. So I am troubled with the in-view tracking method of amp-ad. If anyone has a good solution, would you please help me?

Our ad-network works as follows:

  1. The media side requests ad-request
  2. The ad-network side returns ad-info and token
  3. The media side uses ad-info to display ad
  4. The media side uses token to tracking in-view

amp-ad is handled inside an iframe when displaying ad. Therefore, I can not give a token to in-view-tracking-url to fire with amp-analytics. Would you please solve this?

I'm sorry that my English is not good. Thanks.


  • Since it solved, I reported.

    1. It is not possible to pass dynamic parameters from amp-ad toamp-analytics.
    2. To measure in-view ofamp-ad, use:

    Yay !