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How can I assign unique IDs to DIVs generated from multidimensional array in Meteor/Blaze

I need a unique id for each div on my page. Right now I was assigning it in the helper with, but I just realized that the id changes on rerender (duh!).

How can I get a static unique id? I know I need a counter, but I don't know how to do it with Blaze.

Here is my html:

<template name="article">
            {{#each paragraphs}}
                {{> paragraph }}
<template name="paragraph">
    <div class="container paragraph">
        {{#each sentences}}
<template name="sentence">
        {{#each forward.words }}
            {{> word }}
<template name="word">
    {{#with theWord}}
        <div id="{{divID}}" class="word nonPopped" data-wordID="{{_id}}">
            <p class="pinyin thinnerBottom text-muted score{{score}}">{{pinyins.[0].pīnyīn}}</p>
            <h3 class="thinnerTop ">
                <a style="color: black;" href="#">
                    {{#each characters}}
<template name="character">
    {{#with theCharacter}}
        <span id="{{spanID}}" class="character thinnerTop">{{simplified}}</span>


  • Here is what seems to be working:

    Template.word.onCreated(function () { =
    theWord: function () {
        var theWord = Words.findOne({_id: this.wordID})
            if (!theWord.divID) {
                theWord.divID = this.divID
            return theWord

    If upon further testing this doesn't work, I will delete this answer.