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iOS10: German Localization not working

Currently my app supports English & German localization and I've used Localizable.strings for this purpose. You can see the project settings and Localizable in pictures below. enter image description here

enter image description here

Now I've issues in German localizations. In iPhone there are 4 variations of German language. enter image description here

App runs fine in first and the last 2 but it's not localized in Deutsch (Deutschland). Can someone know what's the reason? Also when I sewlected this variation then Main german language selection is no more available in languages. enter image description here


  • After banging my head arouind the possible reasons, I tried one thing which worked. I added another localizable for Germany (Germany). enter image description here

    But I still don't know the original reason of the problem. Ideally one German localization should have sufficed for all variations of language.