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AngularJS Enable / Disable Dropdown based on the variable

I have a Dropdown on the CreateTask.cshtml page as below.

<select class="form-control input-sm" id="analysisType" name="analysisType" ng-model="vm.analysisType" ng-options="analysistype.typeID as analysistype.typeName for analysistype in vm.analysisTypes" placeholder="Choose analysis type " required><option value=""></option></select>

Here I am setting a variable value conditionally to true or false on CreateTask.JS file.

vm.isNewTask =true;

If NewTask, the Dropdown should be enabled. If not NewTask, this Dropdown will be defaulted to a value and should be disabled. I tried



  • You'll want to use the ngDisabled directive.

    <select class="form-control input-sm" id="analysisType" name="analysisType"
            ng-options="analysistype.typeID as analysistype.typeName for analysistype in vm.analysisTypes" 
            ng-disabled="!vm.isNewTask" placeholder="Choose analysis type "
       <option value=""></option>