Bullet charts are supported in ColdFusion from version 10, but I can't find any documentation that explains how to use it from cfml code. I want to know how to set up the goals on a series in cfml.
This is a minimal bullet chart in cfml:
<cfchartseries serieslabel="Foo">
<cfchartdata item="Bar 1" value="1000">
<cfchartdata item="Bar 2" value="2000">
ColdFusion is using the ZingChart library under the hood and this is how you can set goals in js:
"type": "bullet",
"series": [
"values": [20,40,25,50,15,45,33,34],
"goals": [25,43,30,40,21,59,35,31]
I have looked into the ColdFusion server tags definitions trying to figure out if there is an special attribute or tag to define the series goals, nothing.
Looking again into the taglib.cftld file I figured out the attributes supported by cfchartdata tag:
The solution for CF11+ is to use the zValue attribute to specify the value of the goal on each data point:
<cfchartseries serieslabel="Foo">
<cfchartdata item="Bar 1" value="1000" zValue="800">
<cfchartdata item="Bar 2" value="2000" zValue="2500">