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How to find plurals with Google Cloud Natural Language API

The Google Cloud Natural Language API can be used to analyse text and return a syntactic parse tree with each word labeled with parts-of-speech tags.

Is there a way to deturmine if a noun is plural or not?

If Google Cloud NL is able to work out the lemma then perhaps the information is there but not returned through the API?


  • Update

    With the NL API's GA launch, the annotateText endpoint now returns a number key for each token indicating whether word is singular, plural, or dual. For the sentence "There are some cats here," the API returns the following token data for 'cats' (notice that number is PLURAL):

          "text": {
            "content": "cats",
            "beginOffset": -1
          "partOfSpeech": {
            "tag": "NOUN",
            "aspect": "ASPECT_UNKNOWN",
            "case": "CASE_UNKNOWN",
            "form": "FORM_UNKNOWN",
            "gender": "GENDER_UNKNOWN",
            "mood": "MOOD_UNKNOWN",
            "number": "PLURAL",
            "person": "PERSON_UNKNOWN",
            "proper": "PROPER_UNKNOWN",
            "reciprocity": "RECIPROCITY_UNKNOWN",
            "tense": "TENSE_UNKNOWN",
            "voice": "VOICE_UNKNOWN"
          "dependencyEdge": {
            "headTokenIndex": 1,
            "label": "DOBJ"
          "lemma": "cat"

    See the full documentation here.