I need to get the PID of each open terminal.
I have something in the works right now. However, it doesn't give the correct PID, and it's a little slow.
@echo off
rem Note: Session Name for privileged Administrative consoles is sometimes blank.
if not defined SESSIONNAME set SESSIONNAME=Console
set instance=%DATE% %TIME% %RANDOM%
title %instance%
rem PID Find
for /f "usebackq tokens=2" %%a in (`tasklist /FO list /FI "SESSIONNAME eq %SESSIONNAME%" /FI "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq %instance%" ^| find /i "PID:"`) do set PID=%%a
if not defined PID for /f "usebackq tokens=2" %%a in (`tasklist /FO list /FI "SESSIONNAME eq %SESSIONNAME%" /FI "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Administrator: %instance%" ^| find /i "PID:"`) do set PID=%%a
if not defined PID echo !Error: Could not get PID of current process. Exiting.& exit /b 1
echo Here's the PID: %PID%
I'm not sure how to explain it, but whenever this runs, it doesn't give the PID of the cmd.exe
, but it returns the PID of the overall process itself. So if I ran the normal cmd
, it will return the right PID, but if I ran a different terminal like Cmder
, it will give the PID of the Cmder
, not its affiliated cmd.exe
I've seen a lot of solutions that use a for
loop with wmic
, but I can't seem to get it to work. Every time I try it, the PID it returns is always different each time I run it, which is obviously wrong.
I can use the following, and it works with 3rd party terminals AND is faster than what I have above:
wmic process where "name='WMIC.exe'" get parentprocessid
I'm just not sure how I can extract the PID out of the output of this. Is there any quicker way of getting the PID of a terminal?
Using the idea in my comment:
WMIC /OUTPUT:temp.txt Process Where "Caption='WMIC.exe'" Get ParentProcessID
For /F "Skip=1" %%A In ('Type temp.txt') Do If Not Defined PID Set "PID=%%A"
Del temp.txt
You can adjust your WMIC command, to use Where "CommandLine Like…
if you feel that there's a possibility of another WMIC process running. That will probably add a small time increase though.