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HSM usage with Apache Tomcat for HTTPS

My HSM (Hardware Security Module) stores (or allows to use) private key, however, it does not support PKCS#11 and similar method. In turn, Apache Tomcat might work with certificate and keys either via JKS, PKCS#11 or programmatically. My goal is to enable HTTPS support on a Web server, but I see no way how to achieve that with changes in configuration files only.

I imagine an option that I could store certificate in JKS, and get private key associated with it via HSM vendor provided API. For that purpose, if I am right, I will need to re-implement JSSEImplementation and corresponding factories. As well, I will need to implement specific Key and Trust Managers.

Is that the only way to solve such problem?

Is it safe to replace JSSEImplementation in a running standalone instance of Apache Tomcat, for instance, right after it started.


  • Finally, I came up only to the solution below based on this example. I add <Connector> instance to the Tomcat configuration with sslImplementationName property pointing to the custom JSSEImplementation class name, and extend JSSEImplementation with custom JSSESocketFactory and X509KeyManager classes.

    Tomcat configuration looks like:

           port="8443" maxThreads="200"
           scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
           clientAuth="true" sslProtocol="TLS" SSLEnabled="true"

    CustomJSSEImplementation class is:

    public class CustomJSSEImplementation extends JSSEImplementation {
       public ServerSocketFactory getServerSocketFactory(AbstractEndpoint endpoint) {
          return new CustomSslContextSocketFactory(endpoint);
       public SSLUtil getSSLUtil(AbstractEndpoint endpoint) {
          return new CustomSslContextSocketFactory(endpoint);

    CustomSslContextSocketFactory class is:

    public class CustomSslContextSocketFactory extends JSSESocketFactory {
        public static final AtomicReference<CustomSslContext> customSslContext =
            new AtomicReference<CustomSslContext>();
        public CustomSslContextSocketFactory(AbstractEndpoint endpoint) {
        public KeyManager[] getKeyManagers() throws Exception {
            return (customSslContext.get() == null ? super.getKeyManagers() : customSslContext.get().getKeyManagers(this));

    CustomSslContext interface is:

    interface CustomSslContext {
        KeyManager[] getKeyManagers(JSSESocketFactory factory) throws Exception;

    HsmKeyManagerImpl which reference private key in the HSM by an keyAlias property looks like:

    public class HsmKeyManagerImpl implements X509KeyManager {
        public PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String alias) {
            // HSM Vendor specific API calls

    I didn't show the code how to obtain certificate which corresponds to the private, but the same alias defined by the keyAlias property of the <Connector> is used to get it from the JKS.