Search code examples

I don't understand explain result of a slow query

I have a slow query (> 1s). Here is the result of an explain analyze on that query:

Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.42..32275.13 rows=36 width=257) (actual time=549.409..1106.044 rows=2 loops=1)
  Join Filter: (answer.lt_surveyee_survey_id =
    ->  Index Scan using lt_surveyee_survey_id_key on lt_surveyee_survey  (cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.108..0.111 rows=1 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (id = 'xxxxx'::citext)
    ->  Seq Scan on answer  (cost=0.00..32266.24 rows=36 width=230) (actual time=549.285..1105.910 rows=2 loops=1)
          Filter: (lt_surveyee_survey_id = 'xxxxx'::citext)
          Rows Removed by Filter: 825315
Planning time: 0.592 ms
Execution time: 1106.124 ms

The xxxxx parts of the result are an uuid like. I did not built that database, so I have no clue right now. Here is the query:

  -- +Some other fields
FROM lt_surveyee_survey
  LEFT JOIN answer ON answer.lt_surveyee_survey_id =
WHERE = 'xxxxx';


  • Your JOIN is causing the performance drop according to the EXPLAIN ANALYZE output. You can see that there are 2 different lookups, one took a couple milliseconds, and the other took half a second.

    The difference is indicated by the beginning of the lines: Index Scan and Seq Scan, where Seq is short for sequential, meaning that all of the rows had to be checked by the DBMS to process the JOIN. The reason why sequential scans would occur is a missing index on the column being checked (answer.lt_surveyee_survey_id in your case).

    Adding an index should solve the performance issue.