Yesterday got a enquiry from a client to build a portal similar to LMS(Learning Management System) for uploading and watching videos.
My Question:
I can't speak on behalf of YouTube, but I can answer your question as it relates to Vimeo. I'd also assume that the same holds true for YouTube.
You can check out this link which shows the Vimeo video privacy options. But you could easily prevent people from seeing it on Vimeo if you use password
or people I choose
Then through the Vimeo api you could use the admin's Vimeo account credentials to request the videos specifically if your users have a valid subscription. If you use the admin Vimeo account client id and secret then you can request all the video's on that account (if it's a PRO account).
To clarify, requesting videos for the currently authenticated account through the API requires a Pro membership. Setting the privacy does not require PRO (at least not all of them do).