Search code examples

OUTER apply without subquery

I went through an article about CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLYin SQL Server. The following tables were used to illustrate both.

Employee table :

EmployeeID  FirstName   LastName    DepartmentID

1           Orlando     Gee         1
2           Keith       Harris      2
3           Donna       Carreras    3
4           Janet       Gates       3

Department table:

DepartmentID    Name
1               Engineering
2               Administration
3               Sales
4               Marketing
5               Finance

I understood that OUTER APPLY is similar to LEFT OUTER JOIN. But when I applied OUTER APPLY between tables as below,

select * from Department e
outer apply
Employee d
where d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID

I got below results (Same as INNER JOIN results)

DepartmentID    Name           EmployeeID   FirstName   LastName    DepartmentID
1               Engineering     1           Orlando     Gee          1
2               Administration  2           Keith       Harris       2
3               Sales           3           Donna       Carreras     3
3               Sales           4           Janet       Gates        3

When I applied OUTER APPLY between tables as below( with right table as a subquery).

select * from Department e
outer apply
select * from
Employee d
where d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID

I got below results (Same as LEFT OUTER JOIN results)

DepartmentID    Name           EmployeeID   FirstName   LastName    DepartmentID
1               Engineering     1           Orlando     Gee          1
2               Administration  2           Keith       Harris       2
3               Sales           3           Donna       Carreras     3
3               Sales           4           Janet       Gates        3
4               Marketing       NULL        NULL        NULL         NULL
5               Finance         NULL        NULL        NULL         NULL

Can Someone explain why the two queries gave different outputs?


  • I think the key to understanding this is seeing the output of this query:

    select * from Department e
    outer apply
    Employee d
    --where d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID

    Which simply gives you the cartesian product of the two tables:

    DepartmentID    Name            EmployeeID  FirstName   LastName    DepartmentID
    1               Engineering     1           Orlando     Gee         1
    2               Administration  1           Orlando     Gee         1
    3               Sales           1           Orlando     Gee         1
    4               Marketing       1           Orlando     Gee         1
    5               Finance         1           Orlando     Gee         1
    1               Engineering     2           Keith       Harris      2
    2               Administration  2           Keith       Harris      2
    3               Sales           2           Keith       Harris      2
    4               Marketing       2           Keith       Harris      2
    5               Finance         2           Keith       Harris      2
    1               Engineering     3           Donna       Carreras    3
    2               Administration  3           Donna       Carreras    3
    3               Sales           3           Donna       Carreras    3
    4               Marketing       3           Donna       Carreras    3
    5               Finance         3           Donna       Carreras    3
    1               Engineering     4          Janet        Gates       3   
    2               Administration  4          Janet        Gates       3   
    3               Sales           4          Janet        Gates       3   
    4               Marketing       4          Janet        Gates       3   
    5               Finance         4          Janet        Gates       3   

    Now when you add back in the where clause where d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID, you eliminate most of these rows:

    DepartmentID    Name            EmployeeID  FirstName   LastName    DepartmentID
    1               Engineering     1           Orlando     Gee         1
    2               Administration  2           Keith       Harris      2
    3               Sales           3           Donna       Carreras    3
    3               Sales           4          Janet        Gates       3   

    This query is semantically equivalent to:

    SELECT * FROM Department e
    CROSS JOIN Employee d
    WHERE d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID;

    Which is equabalent to:

    SELECT * FROM Department e
    INNER JOIN Employee d
    ON d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID;

    So even though you have an OUTER APPLY your where clause turns it into an INNER JOIN, thus removing the departments with no employees.