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Falling to configure Test::DBIx::Class::Schema for a Dancer2 to app

I,m trying to run a sanity test for my Dancer2 app schema using Test::DBIx::Class::Schema. I created a test.t and placed in my main app directory (not inside the /t folder). The file looks like this:


use Test::More  'no_plan';
use Test::DBIx::Class::Schema;
use Dancer2::Test app => ['PearlBee'];
use lib 'lib';
use lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema;

use strict;
use warnings;

# the order is important

    use_ok 'Test::DBIx::Class::Schema';
    #use_ok 'lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema';
    use_ok 'Dancer2::Test', app => 'PearlBee';
    use_ok 'lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema';# apps => ['PearlBee'];

    #use_ok 'DBICx::TestDatabase';

#my $schema = DBICx::TestDatabase->new('lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema');

my $schematest = Test::DBIx::Class::Schema->new(
        # required
        dsn       => 'dbi:mysql:PearlBee;host=localhost;', # or use schema option
        namespace  => 'lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema',
        moniker   => 'user',
        # optional
        username  => 'root',
        password  => '1',
        glue      => 'Result',
        #test_missing => 1,

            columns => [


             resultsets => [
            qw[ User


I crashes with the following output:

Can't locate object method "connect" via package "lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema" 

Please help me to make sense out of this.


  • These lines look interesting:

    use lib 'lib';
    use lib::PearlBee::Model::Schema;

    The first one seems ok. I can see why you'd want to add 'lib' to @INC. But having done that, I'd expect the second line to be:

    use PearlBee::Model::Schema;

    It seems very unlikely that you'd need that lib:: on the front of the module name. But perhaps your directory structure is more complex that I'm assuming. Where is the PearlBee schema module?

    Update: Also note that the latest version of the Dancer2::Test documentation says this:

    DEPRECATED. Please use Plack::Test instead as shown in the SYNOPSIS!

    This module will warn for a while until we actually remove it. This is to provide enough time to fully remove it from your system.

    I suggest you follow that advice.