I'm working on the front end development of a custom mail system and at this point I've been using simple HTML to display data based upon my own received e-mails, however now I would like to create a table in my database of the information which is received upon connecting from on POP3/iPOP server.
Using Outlook.com you can rigth-click a mail and view source however I am oblivious to as whether this is the information gathered upon connecting.
I'm hoping this is the sort of question I can ask on here, basically I'd like to have an answer showing one example of all information received from the iPOP/POP3 server with information and/or useful resources.
I'm working on the front-end development and would like realistic information that would be gathered to create a dummy database table, thus meaning I can echo the information and create functions and whatnot prior actually establishing a connection to POP3 or iMAP
POP is a classic internet protocol in that it contains lots of plain text. You can use POP effectively using just telnet server.doma.in 110
to see how a server responsds to a particular command, and Wireshark will dump the commands user by Outlook and the server's responses, both in a format that'll suit your tests well.