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Laravel Validating Arrays - pass 2 parameters?

I need to extend laravel validator creating a new validator but the problem is that I need to pass 2 parameters, one for days and one for slots. How to solve this?

Example dd($request->all) dump:

array:2 [
  "days" => array:2 [
    0 => "1" // Mon
    1 => "2" // Tue
  "slots" => array:2 [
    1 => array:2 [
      "open" => "09:00"
      "close" => "11:30"
    2 => array:2 [
      "open" => "16:00"
      "close" => "21:00"

It need to loop through days and check with slots.

Pseudo code, example:

foreach($days as $day) {
  foreach($slots as $slot) 
      // Validation Logic for $day and $slot (open and close)


  • This is the correct method of making a custom Laravel Validation

    Create your own Validation Service Provider using

    php artisan make:provider ValidationServiceProvider

    then go to config\app.php and add this to providers


    Now go to ValidationServiceProvider.php and add

    use Validator;

    to the top...

    and this in the boot() function

    Validator::extend('days_with_slots', function($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
      $slots = request()->get('slots');
      if(!is_array($slots)) return false;
      foreach($days as $day) {
        foreach($slots as $slot) {
          if(empty($slot[$day]) || empty($slot[$day]['open'] || empty($slot[$day]['close']))) {
            return false;

    Finally, use this in your rules

    $rules['slots'] = 'days_with_slots'

    You can also add a custom message for it, say

    $message['days_with_slots'] = 'Open and Close Timings are required for the days selected'

    Hope this helps :)