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Change spacing and axis labels on 3D partial plot of gbm model results - visreg package

I am using the visreg package and the visreg2d() function to create a 3D partial dependency plot showing the interaction between two gbm model variables. I need to change the x,y,and z axis labels as well as the spacing to make nice plots for the journal article. I tried changing settings in par(), but that only allows me to change the label size.

I am generating the plot with the following:


"final" is my model object.

I can remove the axes by setting axes=FALSE within the visreg2d() command. So I am guessing the solution could be to create custom labels with custom spacing. I can also change the labels with xlab=, ylab= zlab=. However, another issue is I cannot use an expression for the z label, which I need.

Here is what my plot currently looks like with the labels and axes: enter image description here


  • visreg2d(plot.type = "persp") uses persp() to make a graph. If I remember correctly, persp() can't use expression() as label and don't have a option to move a label (you can move it roughly using \n(break) such as xlab="\nx-label"). So you need to do it manually using text(). Two value, text angle and center coordinates, are needed to do it. In the past I made a function to calculates these values (I referred to R mailing help), I show it.

    # top/bot are coordinates(x,y,z) of the axis; pmat is output of persp()
    # pos means the label is c(left(-1) or right(1), down(-1) or up(1)) of the axis
    persp_lab_f <- function(top, bot, pmat, space, pos = c(-1, -1))
      coords_3d <- list(top = top, bot = bot)
      coords_2d <- lapply(coords_3d, function(v, pmat) unlist(trans3d(v[1], v[2], v[3], pmat)), pmat = pmat)
      coords_2d$mid <- (coords_2d$top + coords_2d$bot)/2  # mid is calculated from 2d-coordinates
      # coords_2d$mid <- unlist(trans3d(((top + bot)/2)[1], ((top + bot)/2)[2], ((top + bot)/2)[3], pmat)) if use mid in 3d-coordinates
      tb_diff <- coords_2d$top - coords_2d$bot
      angle <- 180/pi * atan2(tb_diff[2], tb_diff[1])
      names(angle) <- "angle"
      center <-  coords_2d$mid + sqrt(space^2 / sum(tb_diff^2)) * rev(abs(tb_diff)) * pos
      out <- list(angle = angle, center =

    You didn't show reproducible example, I made it (plase provide it next time).

    fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + I(Wind^2) + I(Temp^2) +
                I(Wind*Temp)+I(Wind*Temp^2) + I(Temp*Wind^2) + I(Temp^2*Wind^2),
    vis_d <- visreg2d(fit, xvar = "Wind", yvar = "Temp", plot.type="persp", type="conditional", theta = 140, phi = 40)
    x <- vis_d$x
    y <- vis_d$y
    z <- vis_d$z
    x_top <- c(max(x), max(y), min(z))
    x_bot <- c(min(x), max(y), min(z))
    y_top <- c(max(x), max(y), min(z))
    y_bot <- c(max(x), min(y), min(z))
    z_top <- c(max(x), min(y), max(z))
    z_bot <- c(max(x), min(y), min(z))
    pmat <- persp(x, y, z, theta = 140, phi = 40)
    xlab_param <- persp_lab_f(x_top, x_bot, pmat, 0.1, pos = c(1, -1))
    ylab_param <- persp_lab_f(y_top, y_bot, pmat, 0.1)
    zlab_param <- persp_lab_f(z_top, z_bot, pmat, 0.1)
    visreg2d(fit, xvar = "Wind", yvar = "Temp", plot.type="persp", type="conditional", theta = 140, phi = 40, 
             xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "")
    text(xlab_param$center, srt = xlab_param$angle + 180, "xxxxxxxxxx")
    text(ylab_param$center, srt = ylab_param$angle, "yyyyyyyyyy")
    text(zlab_param$center, srt = zlab_param$angle + 180, labels = bquote(Sigma ~ .("zzzzzzzzzz")))

    enter image description here