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Hadoop installation using Cloudera VMware

Can anyone please let me know the minimum RAM required (of the host machine) for running Cloudera's hadoop on VMware workstation?

I have 6GB of RAM. The documentation says that the RAM required by the VM is 4 GB.

Still, when I run it, the CentOS is loaded and the VM crashes. I have no other active application running at the time.

Are there any other options apart from installing hadoop manually?


  • You may be running into your localhost running out or memory or some other issue preventing the machine from booting completely. There are a couple of other options if you don’t want to deal with a manual install:

    • If you have access to a docker environment try the the docker image they provide.
    • Run it in the cloud with AWS, GCE, Azure, they usually have a small allotment of personal/student credits available.
      • For AWS, EMR also makes it easy for you to run something repeatedly.
    • For really short durations, you could try the demo from Bitnami ( and just run whatever you need to there.