I use triangles ◀ ▶ as button in my application.
It works fine in all browsers, except on Safari for iOS, where the triangles are replaced by safari UI elements.
If you see the fiddles with a browser you can see normal triangles, but if you check with iOS Safari will appeare safari UI.
I know, i can solve simply using border triangles or images, but I prefer a solution with css.
I find out that this char ✔
also is replaced with iOS UI.
I found out that these chars are not replaced by iOS
Right-triangle: ► (►)
Left-triangle: ◄ (◄)
or as alternative, is possible use psedoselector adding "\FE0E"
<span class="left-pointing-triangle"> </span>
<span class="right-pointing-triangle"> </span>
.left-pointing-triangle::after {
content: "\25C0 \FE0E";
.right-pointing-triangle::after {
content: "\25B6 \FE0E";