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WHQL driver test INF error

When I run WHQL test "DF - Validate driver INF against component specific requirements" it gives me this error:

The inf C:\Windows\Inf\oem10.inf had an error at line 103. Flag 0x10000 must be specified for 'CoInstallers32' registry key.

Line 103 of oem10.inf:


As you can see flag 0x10000 is specified in my value 0x00010008. When I change the value from 0x00010008 to 0x00010000 the test validates correctly. Problem is I cannot install the driver on Windows Vista when 0x00010000 is specified instead of 0x00010008.

Why is this? Is this a HLK bug? The target system for the WHQL test the error is ocurring on is Windows 10 x64.


  • The error message is definitely misleading. It should be "VALUE 0x10000 must be specified for 'CoInstallers32' registry key. ..." instead of "FLAG 0x10000 must be specified ..."

    Anyways the solution is to use Coinstallers32 only once per INF file with "0x00010000" as value and to specify multiple coinstallers as parameters like (example):

    HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WudfUpdate_$UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$.dll", "WdfCoInstaller$KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$.dll, WdfCoinstaller", "WinUsbCoinstaller2.dll"