I use peewee related with an exsits table:
import peewee
from playhouse.postgres_ext import *
class Rules(peewee.Model):
channels = JSONField(null=True)
remark = peewee.CharField(max_length=500, null=True)
class Meta:
database = db
db_table = 'biz_rule'
schema = 'opr'
example: in my table there exists a record in column channels:
I want to judge whether "A012102" is in the list,how to write the code?
If you're using PostgreSQL 9.4+, you can use the jsonb
data type using the corresponding postgres_ext.BinaryJSONField
peewee field type. It has contains_any()
and contains_all()
methods that correspond to the PostgreSQL ?|
and ?&
operators (see the PostgreSQL JSON docs). So I think it'd be something like this:
from playhouse.postgres_ext import BinaryJSONField
class Rules(peewee.Model):
channels = BinaryJSONField(null=True)
query = Rules.select().where(Rules.channels.contains_all('A012102'))