I want to translate following console mongodb query into Spring mongoTemplate query
db.transaction.find({"account_number":10}, {"entry_date":{"$gte": new ISODate("2016-07-20"),"$lte": new ISODate("2016-07-21")}}).count()
I have tried following
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria =
mongoTemplate.find(query, Transaction.class, "transaction");
return mongoTemplate.find(query, Transaction.class, "transaction");
When debugging, I got above code translated into following query value. The query is not returning same results I got on mongo console.
Query: { "account_number" : 10 , "account_code" : 2102 , "entry_date" : { "$gte" : "2015-05-20" , "$lte" : "2016-07-21"}}
The question is how I can build a query to pass two different conditions with find like I did on console ?
What I am trying to achieve is get all transactions between two dates (inclusive) for a given account_number.
Collection Structure
"_id" : ObjectId("5825e49585a4caf2bfa30ff4"),
"profit" : "",
"account_number" : 280,
"m_number" : "",
"registration_number" : "",
"page_number" : "",
"entry_date" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"narration" : "To cash",
"voucher_number" : "",
"debit_credit" : -4400,
"account_code" : 2105,
"created_at" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"employee_id" : 0,
"balance" : 0,
"credit" : 0,
"debit" : 0,
"particulars" : "",
"since_last" : 0,
"transaction_type" : 0,
"voucher_path" : "",
"branch" : "",
"auto_voucher_number" : "",
"check_book_series" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("5825e49585a4caf2bfa30ff5"),
"profit" : "",
"account_number" : 1555,
"m_number" : "",
"registration_number" : "",
"page_number" : "",
"entry_date" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"narration" : "To",
"voucher_number" : 73804,
"debit_credit" : -1550,
"account_code" : 2101,
"created_at" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2014-10-20T07:33:57Z"),
"employee_id" : 0,
"balance" : 0,
"credit" : 0,
"debit" : 0,
"particulars" : "",
"since_last" : 0,
"transaction_type" : 0,
"voucher_path" : "",
"branch" : "",
"auto_voucher_number" : "",
"check_book_series" : ""
Solution The original query is only returning records for account_number=10 and ignores entry_date condition. I guess it is wrong way of querying. Here is the correct solution
DateTime start, DateTime end;
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria =
return mongoTemplate.find(query, Transaction.class, "transaction");
it is important that the dates are in correct format. E.g java.util.Date or JODA DateTime
You are passing the dates as String. Try passing both the start date and end date as java.util.Date types. For example
LocalDate startLocalDate = LocalDate.of(2014, 10, 19);
Date startDate = Date.from(startLocalDate.atStartOfDay().toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC));
Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("entry_date").gte(startDate);