I have an array of result ({:a one})
. I want a result which returns one when I select or give :a
I used vals,get-in
functions but since the map is inside a list they are not working. Can you please help me how do I do that.
I need to return value for a given key.
What if the data is of the form
({:a “Favorite fruit", :measurements [{:a “fav game?", :b "x",
:name “foot ball", :max 7.0, :min 0.0, :id “12345"}], :name “Frequency”})
and I want to select :a "fav game?"
:name "foot ball"
and :min 0.0
Thank you
List comprehension using for with any quantity of elements in the list:
(for [x data :let [m (:measurements x)]] (map #(let [{:keys [a name min]} %] [a name min]) m))
for [x data
for every element in data:let [m (:measurements x)]]
set m
as a symbol for :measurements
(map #(let [{:keys [a name min]} %] [a name min]) m)
for every m
get the keys a name min
and output a vector [a name min]
((["fav name?" "foot ball" 0.0]))
Directly using apply:
(let [{:keys [a name min]} (apply (comp first :measurements) data)] [a name min])
(apply (comp first :measurements) data)
apply comp
osition, first get :measurements
then the first
elem.let [{:keys [a name min]}
get the keys a name min
from the map and output a vector [a name min]
["fav name?" "foot ball" 0.0]