I have a chart with varying heights based on a parameter, due to which the y-axis title gets cut off at the top when height becomes less than the title length.
The highchart api at http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis.title specifies a style property where CSS styles for the title can be given, but the javascript wordWrap:'break-word' isn't working here.
My question is - Is there any property that can wrap the title of the the y-axis in such a case ?
Note: I searched SO and found a question - Highcharts Y-axis title text length is more than chart's height, but this doesn't answer my case as I don't have a static title and cannot have a
tag to force the line break.
Just add fixed width and step in the style:
title: {
enabled: true,
text: 'very long title text here that will get cut off at the top when height becomes less than the length of the title',
style: {
font: 'bold 10pt "Arial Narrow"',
color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
// Add these
width : "200px"
your Fiddle updated here