I would like to be able to play the webcam video response in a video view but the json response from Weather Underground for the "camurl" is like so:
The url for the video I need to play is embedded in the html code with a url like so:
Is there a way to get that url from the json response "camurl"? I've heard of this term "html scraping", is that possible to get the embedded video url from the json response html page?
This is what the full json response looks like for the webcam:
"handle": "mahouser",
"camid": "mahouserCAM1",
"camindex": "1",
"assoc_station_id": "KCACAMAR18",
"link": "http://",
"linktext": "Michael Houser",
"cameratype": "Foscam FI9900P",
"organization": "",
"neighborhood": "Camarillo Hills",
"zip": "93010-12",
"city": "CAMARILLO",
"state": "CA",
"country": "US",
"tzname": "America/Los_Angeles",
"lat": "34.24947357",
"lon": "-119.03993988",
"updated": "2016-11-10 20:57:24",
"updated_epoch": "",
"downloaded": "2016-11-08 20:38:48",
"isrecent": "1",
"CURRENTIMAGEURL": "http://icons.wunderground.com/webcamramdisk/m/a/mahouser/1/current.jpg?t=1478812080",
"WIDGETCURRENTIMAGEURL": "http://icons.wunderground.com/webcamramdisk/m/a/mahouser/1/widget.jpg?t=1478812080",
"CAMURL": "http://www.wunderground.com/webcams/mahouser/1/show.html"
I've looked at jsoup and read the documentation but can't figure out how to get the needed url. Here is how the url looks in the html:
<td class="day">
<div class="row">
<div class="small-2 medium-5 columns">
<a href="/history/airport/KAJO/2016/11/15/DailyHistory.html" class="day-num">
<div class="small-10 medium-7 columns">
<img src="//icons.wxug.com/i/c/v4/clear.svg" alt="Clear" class="right" />
<div class="calThumb">
<a href="http://icons.wunderground.com/webcamramdisk/c/a/cadot1/902/current.jpg?1479239986" rel="lightbox[webcam]" title="">
<img src="http://icons.wunderground.com/webcamramdisk/c/a/cadot1/902/current-thumb.jpg?1479239986" width="100" height="75" alt="" title="Click to view the time-lapse video for this day." />
<p><a href="video.html?month=11&year=2016&filename=current.mp4" class="videoText">View Video</a></p>
How can I get that "current.mp4" url from within the html code?
There are a lot of possible ways, but here is a simple solution:
Retrieve the html code with jsoup:
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://www.wunderground.com/webcams/cadot1/902/show.html").get();
Then, retrieve all elements with the class videoText:
Elements elements = doc.getElementsByClass("videoText");
This will give you a list of entries. Now simply select the one that ends with current.mp4.
To retrieve the current.mp4 URL:
for (Element link : elements) {
String linkHref = link.attr("href");
// linkHref contains something like video.html?month=11&year=2016&filename=current.mp4
// TODO check if linkHref ends with current.mp4