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How to record a specific window using ffmpeg?

I use ffmpeg to record a window using this code:

-f dshow 
-i video="screen-capture-recorder":audio="virtual-audio-capturer":audio="Microphone (USB Audio Device)" 
-framerate 15 
-vcodec libx264 
-crf 0 
-preset ultrafast 
-acodec pcm_s16le 
-vf crop=Width:Height:Left:Top 

But the problem is i might move the window, this leads to recording an area without the window i want.

How can i capture a specific window that I am able to move it?

Edit: I also used gdigrab to capture my window (Skype for instance) instead of dshow:

-f dshow
-i audio="virtual-audio-capturer":audio="Microphone (USB Audio Device)"
-f gdigrab
-draw_mouse 0
-i title="Skype"
-framerate 30
-vcodec libx264
-crf 0
-preset ultrafast
-acodec pcm_s16le

But the conference is black...


  • It has mentioned in here:

    By default, it captures the "full screen" of the main desktop monitor (all windows, overlapping, from there, with aero if vista+, without transparent windows if non aero).

    To configure it differently, run the provided "configuration setup utilities/shortcuts" or adjust registry settings before starting a run (advanced users only):


    with DWORD keys respected of start_XXX etc …​ (see the included file {installdir}\configuration_setup_utility\setup_screen_tracker_params.rb for the full list of registry key values available, or see )

    ex: see configuration_setup_utility\incoming.reg file (though NB that those values are in hex, so editing that file is a bit tedious-- I always just use regedit or the accompanying script utilities and don’t edit it by hand).

    To "reset" a value delete its key.

    And you can see in here that there are these registery options:

    • capture_height
    • capture_width
    • start_x
    • start_y
    • default_max_fps
    • stretch_to_width
    • stretch_to_height
    • stretch_mode_high_quality_if_1
    • hwnd_to_track
    • disable_aero_for_vista_plus_if_1
    • track_new_x_y_coords_each_frame_if_1
    • capture_mouse_default_1
    • capture_foreground_window_if_1
    • dedup_if_1
    • millis_to_sleep_between_poll_for_dedupe_changes
    • capture_transparent_windows_including_mouse_in_non_aero_if_1_causes_annoying_mouse_flicker
    • hwnd_to_track_with_window_decoration