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Generate a unique IV header

I need to generate a unique IV (Initialization Vector) header.

The IV SHALL be 96 bits long, comprised of the year (16 bits, 0 to 65535), the current time (64 bits, nanoseconds this year), and a counter (16 bits) to generate a 96-bit IV.

How can I generate this unique identifier in CGI bash script?


  • in

    d2b() {
        printf "%0${2}s\n" $(bc <<< "obase=2;$1")|tr ' ' '0'
    eval "$(date +'firstday=%Y-01-01 now=%s nano=%N year=%Y')"
    midnight=$(date -d "$firstday 0" +%s)
    seconds=$((now - midnight))
    header=$(d2b $year 16)$(d2b $seconds$nano 64)$(d2b $counter 16)
    echo header: $header
    • function() { ... } - define a custom function in bash
    • bc <<< "obase=2;$1 - decimal to binary the 1st parameter with sed
    • printf "%0${2}s\n" | ... | tr - fill with leading zeroes to length $2
    • eval date... - put the current time into variables
    • date -d "$firstday 0" +%s - unixtime at jan1 00:00 (seconds)

    run it:

    $ ./
    header: 000001111110000000000000011000100101000110110001011001011100011000011100010000010000000000000001