Wondered if anyone can tell me whether the following is possible within views.
I have installed To do module - http://drupal.org/project/to_do I then created my own view which lists all the tasks created in a particular Organic Group, which works lovely.
One of the fields ive added as the to do button field which gives the user the ability to mark a task as finshed from the view listing.
the problem I have is that all users part of that group can see that buton & has the ability to mark the task as finished.
Is there a way I can use views to only show that button if the current logged in user is the author of that node( to do task).
Views have different templates. In one of them all the fields are being printed. You could in that template make a check if the user is the author and then only print the todo field.
You cam click the theme information link inside the view to get a list of templates that's used and what you could call a custom template for views to use it.