I'm trying to set RegistryValueKind with a parameter from a method but this is not working, it looks like it can't be set from a parameter. Is there a way to get around this?
static bool TrySetKey(string Dir, string Value, string Data, string ValueKind)
if (!CanReadKey(Dir))
return false;
using (RegistryKey RegKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(Dir, true))
if (RegKey == null)
return false;
RegKey.SetValue(Value, Data, RegistryValueKind.ValueKind);
return true;
Solution: I should mention that I changed the string parameter for Data to an Object so I can pass different values.
static bool TrySetKey(string Value, Object Data, RegistryValueKind ValueKind)
// code here
RegKey.SetValue(Value, Data, ValueKind);
return true;
TrySetKey("Value Name", "1", RegistryValueKind.DWord)
is an enum, So you cannot take its value from string, better to Change your method signature like the following:
static bool TrySetKey(string Dir, string Value, string Data, RegistryValueKind ValueKind)
// code here
// and set value like this
RegKey.SetValue(Value, Data, ValueKind);
return true;
So that you can call this method like this :
TrySetKey("Value Name", "1", RegistryValueKind.DWord)